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College Students








The university campus is the modern day crossroads of the world. Like the first century Day of Pentecost it brings people of all nationalities and cultures together into the marketplace of modern thought.  Today 1 million and counting international students and visiting scholars walk the campuses in search for purpose and meaning.  They come from more than 220 countries (many of these countries restrict access to or are openly hostile towards the gospel).  Enrollment numbers of these students flocking to our campuses grows significantly every year with no anticipation of decline in the years ahead.  Many of these future leaders of the world are eager to develop friendships with Christians and hear about the gospel during their stay in the US.




In response to God’s grace and love for us, We graciously and respectfully reach out to international students studying at the universities and colleges in the United States so they may know Jesus as Lord and deepen their personal relationship with Him.




To awaken the church to the opportunity for reaching the world through the international students studying at colleges and universities in the USA and to recruit and train workers so they may become organized and equipped to minister effectively for the glory of the Kingdom of God.




Awaken Christians and leaders to the growing numbers of international students at American universities and the opportunity to reach them with the good news of the gospel.

Invite people to become faithful prayer partners for internationals students and those ministering with them.

Meet, serve, and connect international students to life on campus in the USA through a welcoming campus community.

Recruit workers from campus ministries, Christian Colleges, and churches for the harvest field of the campus and network these individuals and groups together to help reach and disciple international students to become mature followers of Jesus.

Train and equip workers using every means possible in ministry training that aligns itself with Biblical truth, such as online training programs, personal mentoring, and one-with-one coaching.

Provide quality resource materials that aid in ministry outreach to international students.

Introduce international students to Jesus in respectful and sensitive ways through genuine friendship, Bible studies, discussion of life issues, special events, and conferences.

Encourage Christian International Students to grow in following Jesus by developing leadership skills to help them prepare to serve God when they return home in another part of the world.

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